Tips on buying fabric online

Here are my tips on buying fabric online so you can have greater access to a wider range of fabric options.  Moreover, shopping from home can save you valuable sewing time and you don’t even need to get out of your trackie pants, I am going to give you my tips on buying fabric online.

I get asked all the time about shopping online for fabric – so here are my best tips for buying fabric online.

Take advantage of GOOGLE

Browsing online for fabric can take up a considerable about of time, once you start you just lose yourself in the amount of fabric you can look at.

So first take a moment to work out what type of fabric you’re looking for, use the search categories on the fabric site, then it could take only take five minutes. For example, I usually just look under categories such as ‘colour, Stretch, Stripes, wool, cotton, etc.

If you don’t know anything about fabric, take a look in your wardrobe and touch and feel the things you like to wear.  Inside the garment there should be a fabric label or before you start searching on the internet, take a trip to your local fabric store and start to collect samples of the fabric that you like the feel of stick them into a note book label them and when you are ready to search online you have some idea of what you are looking for.

Request swatches.

So, before you order five meters of that eye-catching fabric, it’s a really good idea to request a sample first. Many shops are happy to send out a few swatches either for free or a small admin charge.

Check the width

Before placing your order, don’t forget to check the width of the roll to make sure you’re buying enough fabric for your project. Some fabric shops sell by the ¼ or ½ metre or even sell in yards so check and double check the amount you are buying

 Keep an inspiration board

If you see a print you adore but know you can’t buy it straight away, pin it to your Pinterest board or bookmark it for later. That way next time you need some new fabric, you can begin by looking at your favorites first rather than starting from scratch. Beware though – Often I have procrastinated and when I have returned to buy the fabric it has sold out.

If in doubt, ask!

Not sure about your choice for your project? Or cannot find what you are looking for? Want to find a lining to match? Contact the website owner or if possible, pick up the phone and call of that is possible. They are more than happy to help.   Join the Newsletter for all the stores that you like and you will be advised of SALES and NEW season fabric.

Here is a link to just a few of my favourite fabric stores.

Favourite Fabric Stores around Australia

Understanding Fabric Book

If you have limited knowledge of fabric then you need  Understanding Fabric Book is a great resource to help you choose the right fabric for your project.  

Know Your Fabric Book